To provide you the most affordable hosting possible, most of our servers are co-loacted. With that being said, we are excited to announce our goal to open up three independent datacenters by 2017.
No unfortunately we do not, but thanks to the abundant amount of tools we give you with your hosting, you should be able to build your own website in no time with things such as wordpress or other easy-to-build- editors.
We are proudly located in Saint Petersburg, Florida with data centers in Virginia, Denver, California, Sweden, France, and Spain.
We here at Bovsi Hosting are against spam mail. Who wants spam mail? Seriously.
No, we do not offer refunds. If there are extenuating circumstances, please open up a ticket with our support team.
When you purhcase your new domain and hosting package from us, you are given access to a CPanel as well as FTP credentials. If you need any help, don’t forget to reach out to support.
You will have to email to get your issue resolved.
But of course!
Please contact to troubleshoot the issue.
Yes you can, from your account setting page.